Violence conjugale
Une femme de Casselman a été accusée d’enlèvement et d’entrée par effraction vendredi. La police soutient que la jeune femme de 26 ans est entrée dans la maison de son ex-petit ami à North Glengarry et a tenté d’enlever leur enfant. Elle aurait aussi proféré des menaces et menacé d’endommager la maison. La police a accusé la femme de méfaits, de menaces, d’entrée par effraction et d’enlèvement.– Stephen Jeffery
Driving charges
A man from The Nation will face court next month on speeding and impaired driving charges. Police stopped a driver along Highway 138 in North Stormont Township on Saturday night for travelling more than 50km/h over the 80km/h speed limit. Officers alleged the driver was also under the influence of alcohol. Daniel Thibert, 53, was charged with racing and impaired driving, and will face the Ontario Court of Justice in Cornwall on December 10. – Stephen Jeffery
CDSBEO air quality
In August the Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario (CDSBEO) received $354,400 as part of provincial funding to all Ontario schools to improve their ventilation systems. The goal was to improve air quality in schools as part of COVID-19 prevention before the start of the new term. Air filters were replaced in all CDSBEO schools and will be replaced every month as part of regular testing of the ventilation system. Classrooms without a direct connection to their school ventilation system will have standalone air filtering units installed with regular monitoring of operation. – Gregg Chamberlain
Nouveau camion
Le canton d’Alfred-Plantagenet s’empruntera de l’argent à pour acheter un nouveau camion-pompe pour la caserne des pompiers de Plantagenet. Le conseil a approuvé une proposition de l’administration visant à utiliser l’argent du fonds de réserve du réseau d’aqueduc de Wendover, qui s’élève actuellement à près de 830 000 dollars, puis à rembourser le prêt au fonds de réserve à un taux d’intérêt annuel comparable au taux des banques. – Gregg Chamberlain
CDSBEO schools report
The Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario (CDSBEO) reviewed a report during its October 6 meeting on results for its provincial School Renewal and School Condition Improvement funding. The 2019-2020 term, despite the pandemic, saw more than 70 critical improvement projects finished on school buildings and other facilities throughout the CDSBEO region. Some projects involved upgrades to all schools to meet public health safety needs for students and staff when they returned to class in September, including installation of hand-sanitizer dispensers, plexiglass barriers, water-bottle filling stations, and directional signage to help maintain social distancing. – Gregg Chamberlain
Student transport
Student Transportation Eastern Ontario (STE0) is dealing with bus driver shortages for some of its routes. The consortium manages student transportation for school districts in Eastern Ontario but the COVID-19 pandemic has hampered its scheduling plans this year. STEO officials state that the Prescott-Russell routes for students attending schools in the Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario and Upper Canada District School Board areas are covered.– Gregg Chamberlain
Brauwerk support
Clarence-Rockland city council members will support a request from Brauwerk Hoffman Rockland for a letter of support to the provincial government for a licence for on-site sales of beer at its brewery located in the Rockland Industrial Park. The company makes a German-style lager and other beers for sale. – Gregg Chamberlain
East Hawkesbury Budget
Planning is underway for East Hawkesbury’s 2021 municipal budget. Mayor Robert Kirby urged residents to email or phone in their suggestions on items to include as part council’s upcoming discussion session on the draft budget. Mayor Kirby hopes to see the 2021 budget approved before the end of December this year. – Gregg Chamberlain