Collecte des déchets dangereux
La journée de collecte automnale des déchets ménagers dangereux est le 3 octobre, de 8h30 à 16h, sur le site de la station d’épuration des eaux usées de Hawkesbury, sur la rue Main. Les résidents de Hawkesbury, du canton de Champlain et du canton de Hawkesbury Est peuvent y apporter de la vieille peinture, des solvants usagés et d’autres articles figurant sur la liste des déchets ménagers dangereux acceptables. – Gregg Chamberlain
CDSBEO student trustees
The Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario (CDSBE0) has its new student trustees for the 2020-2021 term. Kennah Delage and Julia Vo will serve as CDSBEO student trustee and associate trustee for the term. Students at CDSBEO schools can send them messages through the CDSBEO website about student issues to bring up at board meetings. – Gregg Chamberlain
Funding aid request
The South Nation Conservation Agency will apply for $1.5 million from the Canada Infrastructure Fund’s COVID-19 assistance program to help with proposals for improvements to local nature parks and trails, foot bridges, and other features. Improvement designs will include measures to support social distancing of individuals or groups using these facilities. – Gregg Chamberlain
Student transport
Student Transportation Eastern Ontario (STE0) is dealing with bus driver shortages for some of its routes. The consortium manages student transportation for school districts in Eastern Ontario but the COVID-19 pandemic has hampered its scheduling plans this year. STEO officials state that the Prescott-Russell routes for students attending schools in the Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario and Upper Canada District School Board areas are covered.– Gregg Chamberlain
Deer alert
Anyone driving along the rural roads needs to watch for deer crossing. During autumn and winter there is a greater chance of encountering deer during the early morning or early evening hours. Reduce speed while on rural roads going through wooded areas or along open fields, and watch along the roadside. At night watch for glowing eyes from the light reflected in the eyes of deer.