Outbreak in Cheney group home

Outbreak in Cheney group home

The Eastern Ontario Health Unit (EOHU) declared an official outbreak situation after receiving a report August 17 of a confirmed case of COVID-19 at a group home operated by the non-profit agency Valoris Prescott-Russell. The group home is located on Russell Road in the Village of Cheney.

Éclosion dans un foyer collectif de Cheney

The official outbreak status is a result of one of the group home employees testing positive for COVID-19. The employee lives in Québec but works for Valoris in Ontario.

The staff member is now in self-isolation and the EOHU arranged for immediate testing of all other staff members and the residents at the group home. Outbreak restrictions are now in effect for the standard 14-day period.

As of August 20 there were no reports of anyone else either testing positive for COVID-19 or showing symptoms. If there are no other cases at the end of the 14 days then the outbreak situation will be classed as resolved. 

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