Actualités en bref | News briefs

Actualités en bref | News briefs

L’orignal fête Noël

L’orignal de L’Orignal se transformera pour la période des Fêtes. Le conseil du canton de Champlain a approuvé une proposition de partenariat du conseiller Michel Lalonde, lors de sa session du 14 novembre dernier. Les propriétaires du restaurant Fresko’s ont offert de payer les frais d’électricité pour illuminer l’arbre, à côté de la statue de l’orignal. Les lumières de Noël resteront allumées tout au long du mois de décembre.– Gregg Chamberlain

Petite enfance

Le développement de trois centres de la petite enfance et de la famille de Prescott-Russell se poursuit. Le centre de Rockland, qui se concentre sur les enfants ayant des besoins spéciaux comme l’autisme, devrait ouvrir d’ici la fin de l’année. Les centres de Hawkesbury et de Casselman devraient ouvrir en mars 2020. L’établissement de Hawkesbury se concentrera sur les enfants ayant des troubles de comportement, tandis que le centre de Casselman se concentrera sur la culture autochtone – Gregg Chamberlain.

Village d’antan franco-ontarien

La planification se poursuit pour le projet du Village d’antan franco-ontarien (VAFO) à Saint-Albert. Moment Factory travaille sur un rapport pour le présenter au Conseil des Comtés unis de Prescott et Russell (CUPR) au mois de décembre. Le rapport devrait inclure des suggestions sur la façon d’aller chercher d’importants investissements auprès d’organismes touristiques. – Gregg Chamberlain

Hausse salariale

Le personnel non syndiqué des Comtés unis de Prescott et Russell (CUPR) recevra une augmentation de salaire de deux pour cent à compter de janvier 2020. Le conseil des CUPR a approuvé l’augmentation dans le cadre du plan budgétaire 2020 lors de sa séance du 27 novembre – Gregg Chamberlain.

Cellphone aid

The United Counties of Prescott and Russell (UCPR) will provide its full share of support for a project to improve cellular phone service in Eastern Ontario. The $213 million Eastern Ontario Regional Network Mobile Broadband Project (EORN) is a joint effort by senior governments, the Eastern Ontario Wardens’ Caucus, and the private sector to provide 100-per cent full cellular service coverage for Eastern Ontario to promote economic development and eliminate service gaps, which pose public safety problems. UCPR council approved Bylaw 2019061 confirming its $683,085 share in the project be paid “in full” during the first year of the project launch.– Gregg Chamberlain

Health care support

The United Counties of Prescott and Russell council voted to support a resolution from the Town of Kingsville to the Ford Progressive Conservation government, for a halt to provincial government plans for amalgamation of regional public health units, regional land ambulance service agencies, and funding cuts to health services affecting local hospitals, long-term care homes, and other facilities. – Gregg Chamberlain

Building season

Hawkesbury council received the year-to-date summary on building permits and projects for the town, up and including the month of October. So far, more than 200 building permits, including demolitions, were approved for the year. The total value of new construction and renovations is almost $5.5 million. That includes seven permits for new housing at $1.16 million total value, 153 permits for residential renovations and additions at $1.68 million, and 49 permits for commercial additions and renovations at $2.5 million. – Gregg Chamberlain

Street lighting

The United Counties of Prescott and Russell will look into the feasibility of street lighting along County Road 17, adjacent to the highway mall, where the Hawkesbury/Champlain Township boundary meets. The public works department is working on an improvement design for the road, from the Highway 34 on/off ramps to a point 800 metres east of Tupper Street. Street lighting in that area is a municipal responsibility, but the UCPR public works committee recommended including lighting in the design, and then working out shared costs between the UCPR, Hawkesbury and Champlain Township.– Gregg Chamberlain

Labour study

The consultant firm MDB Insight has been contracted to do a study for the United Counties of Prescott and Russell, on the labour shortage issue for the Prescott-Russell region. An Ontario Labour Market Partnerships program grant will fund the study. The report is due at the end of December.– Gregg Chamberlain

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