RDHS students unveil cookbook supporting three local organizations

Anil Jhalli
RDHS students unveil cookbook supporting three local organizations
(Photo : Anil Jhalli - EAP)

Students in a Food and Culture class at Rockland District High School unveiled their cookbook last week inside the school’s library, as fellow students, staff, and teachers had the opportunity to sample some original recipe ideas.  

Eighteen students in a Food and Culture class hosted an international food fair at the Rockland high school on Thursday, June 13.  

The cookbook features 35 original ideas, with proceeds from the sales of the cookbook directly supporting the Rockland Community Garden, the Rockland Foodbank and Rockland Full Bellies.  

“It’s exciting be able to share it with people, and have them finally see what we did,” said Ethan Sinnett-Piche, a grade 11 student in the Food and Culture Class that created the cookbook. “It also feels good knowing that we did something that’s really going to benefit people in the community.” 

Students have been working on the project for past few months and have created a cookbook that champions nutritional awareness while showcasing cultural diversity. 

 The students are applying their classroom learning by making a real-world impact, combining digital media and their culinary skills towards a community service project.  

“It’s great to see them come out of the shell, and they have been so excited to show people this cookbook,” said Kate Conway, the teacher of the Food and Culture Class. “This group was kind of reserved, so just to hear the conversations they are having with each other about their recipes is great for them.” 

Visitors to the food fair were able to try some of the food creations for $5 a plate, and the money goes towards three important community organizations in Rockland.  

Conway was thrilled with the response from fellow teachers, staff and students who came out and sampled food from the cookbook.  

“We have been looking forward to this day for a long time,” she said. “They have worked really hard for months, and it’s great to see the support we are getting.” 

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