Thanks to funding from Champlain Township and the Canada Summer Jobs program, the Windsor Tavern will be hosting a tourist info centre during July and August, operated by the Vankleek Hill Business and Merchant Association (VKBMA). According to VKBMA co-chair Philippe Fortin, the association will hire two students to run the centre for the eight weeks it is open.
One student will work in the info centre, welcoming tourists to the village and introducing new residents to the rich history of the 225-year-old village. The other student will visit local businesses to offer promotion help and operate a digital marketing campaign for the info centre.
While the centre project is going on, the VKBMA will also work to bring new events and visitors to the village this summer, including guest speakers on a variety of business topics. The VKBMA is working on a job fair project and open house for the region, as well as a business resource centre for entrepreneurs new to the area.
Students interested in the tourist info centre positions may send their resumes to: