Fine day for fall festival

by Gregg Chamberlain - EAP
Fine day for fall festival
Souped-up lawn tractors race around the dirt track at the Centre d’Action salle communautaire during the Fall Festival at Sainte-Anne-de-Prescott. (Photo : Gregg Chamberlain)

The first weekend that marked the end of September and the beginning of October proved a perfect time for the Fall Festival in East Hawkesbury Township.

« Very happy, » said Justin Lavigne, spokesman for the event. « The weather is great. »

The Antique Days Committee of Ste-Anne-de-Prescott organized the two-day event at the Centre d’Action salle communautaire. Parking space was at a premium over the weekend as latecomers for each day’s event had to park along the roadside.

The main attractions were the tractor pull competitions, and the lawn tractor races Saturday afternoon, with the lawn tractor pull competition the following day.

Children’s games events, Rick’s Ranch Mobile Petting Zoo from Alexandria, and Campiagile Sparks Gymnastics from Valleyfield, and other activities provided fun for families in between the main events.

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