All a’buzz about the VKH Fair

by Gregg Chamberlain - EAP
All a’buzz about the VKH Fair
The route of the 180th Vankleek Hill Fair Parade will follow its originally planned route across Highway 34, after the Ontario Provincial Police offered last-minute traffic support. The parade route caused some controversy at last week's Champlain Town Council meeting, as the township and fair organizers struggled to find a solution after OPP assistance was deemed unavailable for the event. (Photo : File photo)

The weather was a bit uncertain this past weekend but in the end it could not stop people from having fun at the Vankleek Hill Fair.

This year’s « punny » theme for the fair was « The Place to Bee in Vankleek Hill » to both highlight the importance of bees to agriculture due to their pollination of plants and also the sweet honey they create for home and hive. The weekend parade last Friday evening saw the « bee » theme well-displayed as part of either the decorations for several floats or the costume ideas for many participants in the parade.

Heavy rain on Friday softened the fair grounds to the point that a couple events were cancelled, delayed, or modified to deal with the soft ground conditions. The rest of the weekend saw the weather alternate between cool and cloudy on Saturday to bright and sunny on Sunday as fairgoers enjoyed viewing the agricultural and crafts exhibition, watching demonstrations of sheep shearing and other activities, cheering on the riders in the western and English riding competitions, enjoying the live music, and screaming with delight on the midway rides.

See this week’s Tribune Express for VKH Fair photo page.

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