PRTranspo suspended indefinitely

By Christopher Smith - EAP
PRTranspo suspended indefinitely
The UCPR has voted to close down the PRTranspo service due to low ridership. —archive photo (Photo : Éditions André Paquette)

The UCPR has voted to close down Prescott-Russell’s intermunicipal transportation service due to low ridership.

During the regular meeting on June 28, the United Counties of Prescott and Russell (UCPR) council voted to suspend the PRTranspo service indefinitely due to low ridership and labour challenges. The service for regional transportation to appointments will remain functional, and council will explore further options for intermunicipal transit.

The PRTranspo service opened in 2018 with fixed routes across the UCPR, but it was changed to an on-demand service in June 2021. The service was suspended entirely on December 23, then again when it was supposed to return on February 12, and then a third time until the decision to shut it down permanently.

Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) Stéphane Parisien recommended the permanent suspension after several months of delays, although he is open to exploring other options for the future.

PRTranspo’s non-emergency medical transportation service will remain operational and is not affected by the permanent suspension of the intermunicipal transit service. For more information, please call 613-932-3451 or visit the Carefor website.

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