UCDSB reviews sleep study

Par Raymond Berthiaume
UCDSB reviews sleep study
sleep study

During the regular meeting on April 12, the Upper Canada District School Board (UCDSB) received a report from Chief Psychologist Dr. Jennifer Curry along with Clinical Psychologist Dr. David Armstrong. They presented a brief overview on enhancing student wellness and attendance by increasing sleep for secondary students, backed with scientific and professional guidance. The doctors indicated that changing the school start times would be beneficial for teenagers and younger students.

The current school start time for secondary school students is 8 a.m., while for elementary students it’s 9:20 to 9:30 a.m. Studies showed that secondary school students with a 9:30 a.m. start time slept longer than those with an 8 a.m. start time, resulting in students being more awake and responsive in the morning. This suggests that a later school day might increase attendance and encourage engagement.

The study is a result of discussion from the January 26, 2022 board meeting where trustees passed a motion to support earlier start times for elementary students and later start times for secondary students. Further research and discussions with transportation companies and stakeholders are still pending. There is no timeline for implementation.

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