Gas tax subsidy confirmed for Alfred-Plantagenet Township

Gregg Chamberlain
Gas tax subsidy confirmed for Alfred-Plantagenet Township
Alfred-Plantagenet Township can claim more than $300,000 a year over the next five years from the federal gas tax. (Photo : Stock)

Alfred-Plantagenet council and administration have the pleasant task of deciding how the municipality will use its annual gasoline tax subsidies for the next five years.

Chief Administrator Michel Potvin presented council with a short summary report on Alfred-Plantagenet’s future shares of all the federal gasoline tax money collected within the township. The municipality can expect to receive more than $300,000 in support payments from Ottawa under the federal gasoline tax-sharing program.

Under the program every municipality in Canada receives a percentage of the federal gasoline tax, based on the amount of gasoline sold within the boundaries of the municipality. The money is administered through the Community Futures Development Fund of Canada (CFDFC). Municipalities that receive gas tax funds may use the money for any projects that fall within 18 criteria, ranging from roads to recreational facilities.

In past years Alfred-Plantagenet Township’s federal gas tax subsidy has gone into roadwork projects.
During the 2023 to 2024 fiscal year, the township received $312,798. The township will receive the same amount for the 2024 to 2025 fiscal year.

The federal government has agreed to increase the gas tax subsidy amounts for all eligible municipalities starting with the 2025 to 2026 fiscal year. Alfred-Plantagenet will receive $325,831 each for the fiscal years 2025 to 2026 and 2026 to 2027, and $338,864.24 each for the fiscal years 2027 to 2028 and 2028 to 2029.

Council approved a recommendation to pass a bylaw authorizing the mayor and CAO to sign the municipal funding agreement that will secure the township’s federal gas tax subsidies for the next five years.

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