Rain or shine, Bike Night brings smiles

EAP Newsroom
Rain or shine, Bike Night brings smiles
Bike Night à Hawkesbury's main organizer, Nathalie Lessard (center left, holding cheque), presented last year's proceeds to Bikers Against Child Abuse. The first Bike Night gathering of 2024 in Hawkesbury took place on Friday, June 7, at Maximum Powersports in Hawkesbury. Future events will take place on July 27, August 23 and September 13. (Photo : Facebook)

Hosted in the parking lot of Maximum Powersports, Hawkebury’s Bike Night tradition kicked off its 2024 season of gatherings on Friday night, June 7, even if mother nature was testing their persistence with a mix of rain and sunshine.

The annual gathering in support of the motorcycling community in the region held its first evening of food, music and fundraising, welcoming over 200 participants despite a less-than-ideal weather forecast for those looking to ride their hogs.

The event included food trucks, live music, vendors and, of course, a lot of polished chrome on two-wheeled gas-powered vehicles.

“Everybody seemed really happy,” said Nathalie Lessard, the lead organizer of the event.

On top of the events main purpose, creating a space for the area’s motorcycling community to gather, Bike Night à Hawkesbury also held a 50/50 draw in support of the non-profit security organization Coyote security and the Vankleek Hill Army Cadet Corps. The lucky winner of the draw walked away with a $500 purse, the other half being divided between the two organizations.

The Cadets also stood guard before the Footsteps of Canadian Heroes mobile monument for Canadian soldiers who lost their lives during the Afghanistan War.

During Friday’s festivities, the organizers of the event presented a $250 cheque to Biker’s Against Child Abuse International, a non-profit organization which works with children of abuse to empower and encourage them, as part of the Bike Night’s 2023 fundraising activities. According to Lessard, the funds will go towards counselling for an abused child.

“I really want to thank the team and the sponsors for making it possible. We had more than 30 local businesses offer up door prizes for the event,” said Lessard. “I also want to thank everyone who came out and braved the weather and give a big shout out to those who came from out of town to support us.”

Bike Night à Hawkesbury is hosting three more events this summer and fall and hopes to get attendance numbers back to their normal levels of around 700 people throughout the evening. The next events will be held on July 26, August 23 and September 13.

More information about future events can be found on the Bike Night à Hawkesbury’s Facebook page.

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