Planning grant for housing development

by Gregg Chamberlain - EAP
Planning grant for housing development
The Town of Hawkesbury is getting a Community Improvement Plan grant to help with municipal planning costs related to a new 17-unit residential development at 290 Champlain Street. (Photo : file)

The Town of Hawkesbury is getting some financial help for planning work on a small residential project on Champlain Street.

Council reviewed a report from the finance department during its October 10 session about approval on an application last year for a Community Improvement Plan grant (CIP). The town is now eligible to apply for such grants from the senior levels of government since it developed and approved a Community Improvement Plan to help with future municipal planning needs, including promoting revitalization work that attracts new businesses for the town’s commercial, industrial, and tourism sectors, developing plans and programs to support affordable housing development in the community, cleaning up lands for future residential or commercial use, and making the best use of local infrastructure.

The town received approval of a CIP grant application dealing with redevelopment of 290 Champlain Street. The development, when completed, will add 17 new housing units, including one or more rental housing units suitable for tenants with mobility issues.

The CIP grant of $20,071.75 will help with the cost of an environmental site assessment of the area and also with planning and building permit fee needs. The town will also receive a Tax Increment Equivalent Grant over a six-year period that will benefit both the municipality and the developer.

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