Municipal funding aid program continues

Newsroom EAP
Municipal funding aid program continues
The provincial government confirmed $500 million for the 2024 Ontario Municipal Partnership Fund (OMPF) to provide money to 390 rural, small-town, and northern Ontario municipalities to deal with priority infrastructure and service needs. (Photo : file)

The provincial government confirmed another round of funding available to help municipalities deal with some of their priority projects.

The provincial finance ministry announced October 20 another $500 million for the Ontario Municipal Partnership Fund (OMPF) to provide financing help for rural and small town municipalities and those in Northern Ontario for some of their critical improvement needs.

The money will be shared among the 390 municipalities that qualify for OMPF money with no conditions attached to funding provided. Municipalities will decide how they want to spend the money for infrastructure and service improvements.

“Our government recognizes the unique challenges northern, rural, and small communities face,” stated Finance Minister Peter Bethlenfalvy, in a news release. “This is why the Ontario Municipal Partnership Fund, along with other programs, are critical in building stronger and resilient communities across the province.”

Starting next January, the provincial government will also restore basic support funding to regional health units back to the original cost-sharing formula level set in 2020.

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