New PRCDC board of directors

by Gregg Chamberlain - EAP
New PRCDC board of directors
La Société de développement communautaire de Prescott-Russell a élu un nouvel exécutif, avec Luc Filion en charge, pour son conseil d'administration et a commencé à recueillir les commentaires et les suggestions du secteur des affaires et des municipalités, afin d'élaborer sa stratégie de développement économique régional pour l'exercice financier 2023-2024. (Photo : fournie)

Luc Filion takes charge of the board of directors for the regional economic development agency.

The Clarence-Rockland businessman was named chair of the board of directors of the Prescott-Russell Community Development Corporation (PRCDC) during its September 27 meeting. Éric Drouin becomes past-chair of the PRCDC. Patrick Brousseau of Russell Township will be the board’s vice-chair for the 2023-2024 fiscal year, and Julie Ménard of Alfred-Plantagenet Township the board secretary-treasurer.

The PRCDC begins its 37th year of operation as a regional economic development agency, working on its and in partnership with other business groups, municipalities, and the provincial and federal governments on projects, programs, and services that foster or support commercial, industrial, and employment development in the Prescott-Russell region.

“In today’s interconnected world, economic, business, and community development cannot occur in isolation,” stated Filion. “This requires a collective effort involving government agencies, municipalities, regional government, businesses and entrepreneurs, educational establishments, non-profit organizations such as the chambers of commerce, and, above all, the community itself. Our vision as an economic development organization is to promote realistic, inclusive and, above all, sustainable progress.”

During the 2022-2023 fiscal year the PRCDC provided almost $2.3 million in business development loans through its investment fund, helping to create more than 180 jobs. The PRCDC also provided financial support to more than 20 community economic development events in partnership with the three chambers of commerce in the Prescott-Russell region, the United Counties of Prescott-Russell, the provincial government, and other agencies.

“Being the only regional economic development organization in Prescott-Russell,” stated Drouin, “the PRCDC will continue to make fair and informed interventions and investments for the well-being of our communities and businesses in the Prescott-Russell region, because it is the responsibility that we have as regional leaders.”

During the months leading up to the end of the year, the PRCDC will gather comments, suggestions, and ideas from all the community business sectors in the region, and also municipal councils and other groups to help development its regional economic development strategy for the 2023-2024 fiscal year.

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