Residents’ opinions wanted on East Hawkesbury recreation

by Gregg Chamberlain - EAP
Residents’ opinions wanted on East Hawkesbury recreation
East Hawkesbury Township residents are invited to public meeting September 18 at the municipal office to talk about recreation needs and issues for the township. (Photo : file)

East Hawkesbury Township council and administration want feedback from residents about present and future recreation needs for the municipality.

A public meeting is scheduled for September 18 at the municipal office on recreation issues. One of the topics for discussion is a proposal from administration for amalgamating the recreation matters for the three villages within the township into one single recreation plan.

“Whatever is decided, though, should be pleasing to each community,” said Mayor Robert Kirby, during a phone interview.

Mayor Kirby noted that the township is not planning on any actions that will affect the existing community centres in the villages of Chute-à-Blondeau, Ste-Anne-de-Prescott, and St-Eugène. That includes the new community centre under development in St-Eugène.

“We’re still going to look after each community centre in each village,” said Mayor Kirby.

He noted that there is there is no financial burden to the township for the various recreation programs and servies for residents. He also indicated that residents have shared access to recreation facilities and programs among all three of the villages.

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