Recreation improvements plans for Alfred-Plantagenet

by Gregg Chamberlain - EAP
Recreation improvements plans for Alfred-Plantagenet
Alfred-Plantagenet Township's recreation department is waiting on funding approvals for some recreation facilities improvements. (Photo : file)

The parks and recreation department for Alfred-Plantagenet Township has several improvement plans it hopes to make good on once funding aid is confirmed.

Manon Besner, township parks and recreation director, explained during an interview August 3 that several proposals are on hold while she waits for confirmation of funding support either from the provincial government or other sources.

Some of the improvement work on the department’s schedule for this year include trail construction at the new bike park developed as part of expansion plans at St-Denis Park in Wendover. About $60,000 is estimated for the budget on this project but the funding depends on the success of the municipality’s partnership plans for recreational improvements at the parks in Wendover and other villages.

Besner noted that expansion of the bicycle park trails in Wendover is the first step in an overall plan for enhancing recreational biking facilities throughout the township. After Wendover, the schedule calls for bicycle trail work at the community parks in Lefaivre, Alfred, and Curran.

The parks and recreation department is also looking at further work on the Elder Park addition to Lefaivre’s community park. Some equipment has already been installed at the park to make it easier for seniors, and those with some mobility problems, to get movement exercise that benefits their cardiovascular system without having to walk long distances to do so.

The department has a projected budget plan for $25,000 to do further work on expanding the Elder Part setup.

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