Video contest awards UCDSB schools $10,000

By Christopher Smith - EAP
Video contest awards UCDSB schools $10,000
Rockland District High School will offer more real-world learning projects and expand its outdoor learning space. —archive photo (Photo : Éditions André Paquette)

Several schools in the UCDSB have received $10,000 each to better the staff and student experience.

Eight Upper Canada District School Board (UCDSB) elementary schools and four intermediate schools entered and won the KidoodlED Million Dollar School Giveaway, each receiving $10,000 to achieve the goal outlined in their video submission. Kidoodle is a safe-streaming platform that lets kids watch popular shows online in a safe and monitored way.

The Kidoodle contest was open to elementary schools in the United States and Canada and asked contestants to submit a video explaining how $10,000 would better the school or help achieve a set school goal. The voting period was at the beginning of May and the winning schools were announced on June 16th.

« Our schools are key partners in our individual communities. From enhancing classroom resources and constructing outdoor classrooms to promoting inclusivity and accessibility, these schools exemplify innovation and dedication to student success, » said UCDSB Chair John McAllister. « We congratulate all the winning schools and look forward to witnessing the positive impact the plans will have on students and their learning. »

Rockland District High School plans to offer more real-world learning projects and expand the outdoor learning space at the school. Rockland Public School plans to purchase inclusive and accessible sporting equipment to be used by all students and abilities.

Russell High School plans to expand the school’s breakfast program, purchase an additional garden tower, and create a butterfly garden and a live wall to grow vegetables. Russell Public School plans to purchase outdoor games and expand its offering of clubs at the school.



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