Sticking the Landing: Clarence Creek skaters get season’s end awards

Par Raymond Berthiaume
Sticking the Landing: Clarence Creek skaters get season’s end awards
skater awards

“Our skaters have worked hard throughout the year, they have competed, they have mastered new jumps and spins and this was their time to shine and show their parents and family what they can do,” stated Steve Whittaker, the club’s executive committee vice-president and test chair, in a release. “No pressure. No judges. No competing against other skaters.”

After an hour-long showcase performance, the club coaches, skaters and parents attended an awards dinner. Three categories of awards were handed out to the varying STAR levels for sportsmanship, most improved and most dedicated.

For STAR 1-2, Yasmine Chaaya came away with the award for sportsmanship, with Sarah Whissell as runner-up. The same category went to Nadia Cuerrier for STAR 5 and up, with Marika Cuerrier as runner-up.

The award for most dedicated was given to Zakaël Lenhart, with Mahée Lavoie as runner-up, for STAR 1-2; Maxim Ethier for STAR 3-4; and Ziva Murphy, with Danika Either as runner-up, for STAR 5 and up.

The category for most improved went to Fayth Gaudreau, with Yasmine Chaaya as runner-up, in STAR 1-2; Rosalie Castonguay in STAR 3-4; and Danika Ethier took it home for STAR 5 and up, with Nadia Cuerrier as runner-up.

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