Le Gala ABBA permet de récolter des fonds pour le Sportsplex

Par Raymond Berthiaume
Le Gala ABBA permet de récolter des fonds pour le Sportsplex

Residents of Russell Township turned out for PumpKIN Fest on October 30, crowding into Yahoo Park for a day of spooks, scars, tricks, and treats. The event was a huge success according to organizer Eric Greer, with over 500 people showing up to scream, laugh, and carve themselves a pumpkin.

“PumpKIN Fest was ab absolutely daBOOlous event!”, Greer said in a Facebook post. “Thank you to our amazing sponsors, and a big thank you to all of the local businesses and community members who contributed to and supported bringing this event to the community.”

The event, a collaboration between Russell Township and the Kin Club of Russell, was created by Eric Greer and his partner because there wasn’t really any big Halloween event planned. Halloween is their favorite holiday, so instead of being sad that there wasn’t anything planned for the holiday, they decided to plan something themselves. They wanted to lead by example and show that the township can support greater community activities.

“PumpKIN Fest is about family, fun, and community,” said Greer. “It’s giving members of our Township the opportunity to support local development while making great memories and connecting.”

Greer hopes that PumpKIN Fest will become an annual event in the Township, celebrating Halloween and the resilience of the residents. This year’s PumpKIN Fest donated all proceeds to expanding the splash-pads in Embrun and Russell; who knows what part of the community next year’s will help?

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