« I’m going to work for all the citizens of Hawkesbury (for) free, » Valérie stated in an email summary to EAP of her camnpaign platform.
The local businesswoman stated that if she is elected to council she sign back over to the municipality the monthly stipend that each councillor receives during their term in office. If the municipality will not allow her to do so, she priomised that she would then donate the money to the Hawkesbury Central Food Bank.
This is the second time that Valérie has sought a seat on council. She campaigned during the 2018 municipal election on a platform that emphasized economic development and providing more employment opportunities for local youth so that they would not have to leave the community to find jobs. She also campaigned on taking advantage of Hawkesbury’s Franco-Ontarian heritage as part of its tourism promotion, and providing more support for downtown revitalization.
During the time between the 2018 municipal election and now, Valérie has been occupied with plans for cleaning up the Main Street site in the downtown core that was the location for two residentials owned by her family. The buildings were destroyed as a result of a major fire December 6 and 7 2021. The Valérie family plans to rebuild on the site, creating a low-income apartment complex.
Valérie’s campaign platform for this year’s municipal elections in Hawkesbury includes a promise to « throw out the red tape and bring out the red carpert » for private sector investment in the municipality. That includes a proposal to review and improve municipal bylaws « especially for the builders » to encourage more housing developments in the town. Valérie also wants to « allow builders to hire professionals such as architects and civil engineers to stamp, sign and approve each building built and guarantee for the security and safety and avoid to deal with mix ups between incompetent municipal inspectyors and top professionals. »