Highway 34 closed on Short Notice

Par Martine Laval
Highway 34 closed on Short Notice
Le CN Rail a informé les Comtés unis de Prescott Russell qu'il effectuera des travaux au passage à niveau de la route 34 entre le chemin Pleasant Corner et le chemin de comté 10 de 7 h à 19 h le 21 septembre.-photo Antoine

Champlain Township and the UCPR have received notice of the road closure in the afternoon of September 20.

The Township of Champlain, the UCPR and the MTO have expressed their dissatisfaction with CN’s short notice and their concerns about traffic management given the closure of County Road 17 from Tupper Street to Highway 417. Champlain Township asked CN Rail to defer the work until the end of road work on County Road 17 in October.

“Despite our efforts, CN cannot delay the work that is deemed essential, » according to administration of Champlain Township’s website. « As a federal agency, CN Rail’s authority exceeds the authorities of MTO, UCPR and the Township of Champlain. »

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