Cité golf sale rumour persists

Par Karine Audet
Cité golf sale rumour persists

« No, it’s not sold, » said Kenneth Bracken, co-owner of the golf course, during a phone interview June 13. « There is a group of investors that approached us. » 

Bracken confirmed that the investor group contacted the owners of La Cité Golf last year. He indicated the group is reviewing what it needs to do first before any further talks can take place. 

A reliable source told EAP that the Harden Group was planning to buy the golf course for a future development project. EAP contacted Bill Harden, founder and chief executive officer of the Harden Group June 9. He neither confirmed nor denied that his development company was planned to buy or had bought the golf course. 

« We’re at a delicate point in negotiations, » Harden said, noting that « the timing is not right » for him to comment further on the subject. 

La Cité Golf opened in 1994 as a par 64 course. When its current owners took charge of the facility they purchased some adjoining land, allowing expansion of the site to a par 70 course. The course was closed for a couple days this season because of the May long weekend storm. Bracken reported dozens of trees were blown down during the storm but now the course is open again. 

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