Embrun and Russell’s Terry Fox Run took place on Sunday, September 19. The event was much scaled down due to COVID-19 and took place in a virtual setting, although people were still invited to walk about on their own and in small groups, but despite this it was still very successful. Donations were accepted both in-person and online, and the township collectively raised over $10,000 by Monday afternoon.
Residents had a great time getting out of the house to participate in the walk with each other. Social-distanced groups walked up and down the New York Fitness Trail, with bylaw biking alongside them to make sure everyone kept safe. The weather was warm but not scorching, perfect for a Terry Fox Run, and residents were invited to show up anytime throughout the day to join in.
“Yesterday was very successful, even though it was a scaled down version,” said Councillor Cindy Saucier, who has organized the event for the past 20+ years. “I want to thank Donald Lafrance and the Russell Fire Departments for helping. I also want to thank township bylaw who was on the trail on bikes making sure everybody was safe. That was very much appreciated.”
The Terry Fox Run is held every year to commemorate the Marathon of Hope, in which Terry Fox planned to run the length of Canada to raise money for cancer research. His goal had to be raised from an initial $1,000,000 that he easily surpassed, to $10,000,000 that was met with the aid of a national telethon. His goal eventually become $24,000,000, or as he put it, $1 for every person who lived in Canada.
Terry had to stop his run outside Thunder Bay as his cancer had spread to his lungs, and he died soon after. We remember his bravery and perseverance throughout our lives, starting with our first Terry Fox Run in school and continuing until we can’t run anymore.
Because cancer research can’t wait for COVID-19 to be over. Because Terry asked us to try.