Officials for EDP Renewables (EDPR) and the Algonquins of Pikwahanagan First Nation (AOPFN) issued a joint announcement July 15 of the majority ownership transfer for the 100-megawatt wind turbine project located in North Stormont Township. The project has begun producing electricity for sale to the province under approval of the Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO) program.
“The development and construction of the Nation Rise wind farm were herculean efforts and ones that required months of tireless, persistent work from many devoted employees, contractors, and stakeholders,” stated Miguel Prado, EDP Renewables chief executive officer for North America. “Nation Rise achieving commercial operations is a feat I am exceptionally proud of, and through our collaboration with the Algonquins of Pikwakanagan First Nation, I am pleased to provide cost-effective energy to Ontarians for decades to come.”
EDP Renewables and Chi-Nódin Limited Partnership, an AOPFN-owned company, agreed on a purchase transfer of 50.1 per cent of the ownership of the Nation Rise project. EDPR will continue to be responsible for operation and maintenance of the wind farm.
“The opportunity for AOPFN to participate in the local economy and to be partners in renewable energy projects and local businesses definitely positions our community for success,” stated Amanda Two-Axe Kohoko, representing the Chi-Nódin Limited Partnership board, “and we look forward to this venture as well as many others that we expect to come in the future.”
The 29 turbines of the Nation Rise project are located throughout North Stormont Township. Several of the turbine sites are near the township’s borders with The Nation Municipality and Russell Township. The project means more than $45 million over the next three decades for the North Stormont economy through property taxes, a community benefit fund, landowner payments, and also 10 permanent on-site jobs.