Repair work scheduled for fire trucks

Repair work scheduled for fire trucks

“I have no problem going ahead with these repairs,” said Mayor Robert Kirby, “we have no choice.” 

Mayor Kirby expressed concern whether or not necessary repairs to water pumping system on Pumper Truck Number Two is all that is needed to ensure the vehicle can meet provincial insurance standards for fire truck. 

A report from East Hawkesbury Fire Bryce Luker noted that Pumper Two failed its annual pump test. The cost to bring Pumper Two’s water pumping system up to standard again could range from $8900 to $15,000 and keep the vehicle out of service for as long as a month depending on what repairs are needed. Mayor Kirby suggested that Pumper Two’s water storage tank be checked for signs of rust when its pumping system is removed for repairs. 

“I’d like a complete look at it, and then we’ll know where we stand,” Kirby said. 

Pumper Truck One also needs about $1200 of repair work to fix leaks on its discharge outlets. The unit passed its annual pump test, however, and remains serviceable for fire calls. Pumper One is the primary pumper truck for the fire department while Pumper Two is the secondary backup because it is an older unit. 

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