The local citizens group continues to oppose a plan by Colacem Canada Ltd. to build a cement plant on the company’s property along County Road 17 near L’Orignal. The group lost its appeal to the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal (LPAT) on zoning and official plan amendments that would allow the project to go ahead and is now working on a plan to appeal that decision following an April 18 virtual community meeting.
“We raised $56,000 in one hour,” the group stated in an email media release. “The message is clear.”
Action Champlain has directed its legal counsel to research whether or not the group can launch a legal appeal of the LPAT decision. The group received a report April 21 indicating it does have grounds to do so. The question now is whether the Divisional Court will accept the application.
Meanwhile work continues to raise $110,000 to cover the potential legal costs if an appeal goes ahead. Action Champlain stated it will ask the Township of Champlain for matching financial support of its appeal budget.
The group has promised to refund all donations if its legal appeal does not go ahead.