Règlements de stationnement
Le conseil municipal de Hawkesbury a approuvé des changements au règlement concernant les restrictions de stationnement sur certaines rues de la ville. Les rues touchées comprennent des sections des rues William, Main, Tupper, Spence, Regent et Tessier. Le règlement modifié comprend également de nouvelles restrictions sur la circulation des camions lourds à l’intérieur de la ville. Le règlement modifié et la liste des rues touchées seront disponibles sur le site Web de la municipalité.– Gregg Chamberlain
Water and sewer
Champlain Township will apply to the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program (ICIP) for financial help aimed at needed improvements to the L’Orignal village water, sanitary, and storm sewer system. Township council approved a recommendation from the public works department to apply for an ICIP Green Infrastructure Stream grant for the project. Public works staff are still figuring out a cost estimate for the project, but the township would be eligible for about $2.7 million of ICIP aid, if its grant application is approved.– Gregg Chamberlain
Mayoral salary bylaw
The issue surrounding the mayor of Hawkesbury’s salary is now settled. Council approved an amendment during its November 12 session to the bylaw, which deals with municipal council stipends. The amendment defines the mayor’s position as a full-time post on council paid $45,411, effective from December 1, 2018.– Gregg Chamberlain
Sidewalk closures
The first real snowfall of winter has arrived and Champlain Township public works is preparing its winter road maintenance plan for the municipality, including temporary closure of some sections of sidewalk in Vankleek Hill. The reasons for the closures are because the sidewalk plow is not able to get to them for snow removal or because they are used as snow storage from plowing operation. The sidewalk closure rule from November 1, 2019, to April 30, 2020, applies to sections of Stanley Street, Jay Street, and Bertha Street.– Gregg Chamberlain
Cost for new culvert
The cost for a new culvert for Eldermer Street, in Champlain Township, proved a bit less than expected. Township council received a public works department final report on the work, which was done between October 28 and November 15. Public Works Director James McMahon told council the contractor’s bill was $56,495, which was less than the original budget allocation.– Gregg Chamberlain
Snowplow purchase
Just in time for the first early snows of winter to arrive, East Hawkesbury Township council approved a recommendation, from administration, to use the municipal modernization fund to buy a new 2019 model Freightliner snowplow. The township will allocate up to $160,000 towards the purchase. – Gregg Chamberlain
Budget schedule
Champlain Township Council has two long days of budget planning review to do before the end of the year. Council members agreed to schedule reviews of the 2020 draft budget for December 11 and 19, starting at 1 p.m. both days. If needed, a third review session will take place in January. The goal is to have the final budget ready for approval before next spring.– Gregg Chamberlain