EOWC welcomes more money for municipalities

By EAP Newsroom
EOWC welcomes more money for municipalities
The Eastern Ontario Wardens Caucus welcomes an announcement from the provincial finance minister of more money for the Ontario Municipal Partnership Fund (OMPF). The OMPF is a primary source of funding support for small and rural municipalities in Prescott-Russell and other regions. (Photo : EOWC)

The Eastern Ontario Wardens Caucus gave a thumbs-up review for two items in the Ford Progressive Conservative government’s latest economic report for Ontario.

The EOWC, which represents all the regional and municipal governments in Eastern Ontario welcomed Finance Minister Peter Bethlenfalvy’s announcement of more money for municipalities in his 2024 Ontario Economic Outlook and Fiscal Review report released last month.

« A highlight for Eastern Ontario’s small and rural municipalities, » stated Peter Emon, EOWC chairman, « includes an increase of $100 million over the next two years to the Ontario Municipal Partnership Fund (OMPF). This will bring the OMPF funding to $600 million by 2026. »

Emon noted that the OMPF is the provincial government’s « main general assistance grant » to municipalities. Details will be released at a later date on how that proposed increase to the OMPF will affect individual amounts of funding provided to EOWC member municipalities, including those in the Prescott-Russell region.

Emon noted that infrastructure remains a « top priority » for the EOWC, with emphasis on assistance for infrastructure that can support and encourage more housing develop in municipalities and foster continued economic growth.

« The EOWC’s Mind the Gap: Municipal Infrastructure Policy Paper highlights that we are a growing economy, » stated Emon, « that can grow more with strategic investments. The current reality for rural and small urban Ontario communities across the region is that the municipal infrastructure deficit is growing and has deepened by 58 per cent since 2011. The EOWC hopes to continue working with the Ontario government to unlock long-term sustainable infrastructure funding that will work for Ontario’s rural and small urban municipalities. »

Emon also expressed satisfaction with the finance minister’s announcement of more investment in the Learn and Stay Grant program. He noted that increased funding for the program will help with training and placement of more family doctors in Ontario. The EOWC is partners with the Eastern Ontario Physician Recruitment Alliance in an effort to attract doctors from Ontario’s university medical programs and also doctors trained elsewhere in Canada and from other countries to set up practices in Ontario.

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