Inaugural Sparkle and Pine fundraiser raises over $1,600 for Tucker House

Anil Jhalli
Inaugural Sparkle and Pine fundraiser raises over $1,600 for Tucker House
Chantal Sarkisian, left, who organized the first ever Sparkle and Pine Gala Fundraiser on Nov. 28 in honour of the Tucker House, poses with her husband, Michael Day, at the event. (Photo : Photo: Vesta's Photography)

An evening of glitz and glamour proved to be a resounding success in support of the Tucker House in Rockland. 

The inaugural Sparkle and Pine Gala Fundraiser was held on Thursday, Nov. 28, at the iconic Tucker House, located at 1731 Tucker Road in Rockland. Organized by Rockland-based social media influencer Chantal Sarkisian, also known as « Chantsy, » the event raised more than $1,600. The funds will be reinvested into the community through Tucker House programming, specifically for children’s summer camps. The organization also hopes to use the proceeds to foster more partnerships with schools and other groups, aiming to nurture eco-conscious children. 

“Chantal, we so appreciate you reaching out and devoting time, energy, and funds to give Tucker House a big boost on so many levels,” wrote Marie Veilleux, executive director of the Tucker House, in a letter to Sarkisian following the event. “The amount raised is incredible, and the work you put behind it all is so admirable. I thank you most sincerely.” 

The gala was a dazzling affair, with attendees dressed to impress. The event blended the natural charm of the Rockland area with the glamour of a cocktail evening, featuring cocktails, hors d’oeuvres prepared by Chef Nouk, music by DJ Karyen, and a fashion presentation by local boutique Bel’Ortie. 

Sarkisian initially set a goal to raise $1,000 and sell 50 tickets. She exceeded both, selling 55 tickets and raising over $1,600. 

“Everyone absolutely loved it and enjoyed themselves,” Sarkisian said. “I was very grateful for the turnout. It proved that Rockland is looking for more of these types of events where they can dress up, go out for the night, and do good for the community.” 

Building Something New in Rockland 

Originally from Toronto, Sarkisian has lived in Rockland for the past three years. Adjusting from the fast-paced lifestyle of Toronto, she found her social circle smaller than before. 

She wanted to create an event that would bring the community together while spotlighting Tucker House and giving local business leaders and entrepreneurs an opportunity to mingle and network. 

“I come from a background in fundraising, and we would always organize one big fundraising event a year that would really be the most important one,” Sarkisian said. “It’s one of those events that welcomes anyone and gives them a chance to wear that dress they’ve been saving or that suit they haven’t had a reason to take out. Guests are encouraged to dress to impress as the evening celebrates not only community spirit but also style and elegance.” 

While no plans have been finalized for next year, Sarkisian said she is open to hosting more community events. 

The majority of the funds raised during the evening came from the silent auction, which was a highlight of the gala. 

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