A traffic accident occurred on the corner of Hamil and High Streets in Vankleek Hill on the morning of September 7. According to witnesses, an 18-wheeler was travelling south on High Street towards highway 417 when it was forced to swerve and brake by an oncoming vehicle that hadn’t allowed enough room for it to pass. Although the truck ended up colliding with a hydro pole, its speed was so reduced that no damage was apparent on either the truck or the pole.
Trouble arose with the cargo. The truck was carrying an oversized load weighing approximately 20,000 kilograms, and was accompanied by escort vehicles with flashing signals. The sudden evasive maneuver overbalanced the transport. the cargo slipped off the trailer and onto the road.
High Street was blocked off for hours between the intersections at Main Street and Mill Street while the problem was handled. Large trucks coming from the highway were diverted around the blockage as far back as Aberdeen Road, and a sliding rotator tow truck came out to help heave the cargo back onto the truck bed. Once the cargo was resituated, the straps were tied back down, and the transport went on its way.