During its September 8 regular meeting, Russell Township council looked at two proposals related to the maintenance and safety of roads in the county. The first was a proposal to offer a monetary incentive to landowners to keep hedgerows along the edges of their properties, and the second was to work with South Nation Conservation Authority (SNC) to apply for funding for a roadside restoration plan.
The first report was from the Environmental Advisory Committee (EAC), stating its recommendation to offer a hedgerow incentive. Hedgerows, which are rows of trees planted on the edges of a property abutting a road, help to reduce erosion and snow drifting on those roads, as well as provide potential habitation opportunities to local wildlife. Council received the report, and the item will be added to the budget consideration for the new year as there are no funds free for such an incentive at this time.
The second report, also from the EAC, stated its recommendation that the administration strike a partnership with the SNC to apply for roadside restoration funding. In addition to restoring the condition of the roads, the funding would go towards getting rid of choking weeds and replacing them with plants to attract pollinators to the area. Councillor Cindy Saucier noted the milkweed lining some roads is the sole food source of the monarch butterfly, and wildflowers being used to beautify the hiking trail. This report was also received and deferred to the township’s business plan for next year.