PR Trail stays open all summer

PR Trail stays open all summer

The United Counties of Prescott-Russell (UCPR) and VIA Rail agreed on an interim deal to extend the current lease on the Prescott-Russell Recreational Trail for another two months. The extension lasts until August 31 while both sides continue talks about a renewal of the existing user lease for the trail. 

« It is important for us to take the time necessary to ensure the best possible outcome for all parties in the matter, » stated Stéphane P. Parisien, UCPR chief administrator. « Negotiations are ongoing, and we are confident that we will reach an agreement in the coming weeks. » 

The PR Trail follows a former railway road bed route that belows to VIA Rail. The rail company and the UCPR have a lease arrangement for several years that allows use of the former road bed as a recreational trail. The UCPR is responsible for maintaining the trail while VIA Rail also retains control over its rights-of-way concerning private properties that are adjacent to the trail route. 

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