If you have an older vehicle, make sure you frequently check your motor oil level, and alert your service centre to any changes in the motor oil level. Your service technician can inspect for any motor oil leaks or cracks which may need to be repaired or replaced. Switching to a high mileage motor oil such as Pennzoil Platinum High Mileage Full Synthetic motor oil will help stop leaks, and it’s proven to reduce oil burn-off for older engines.
Also, ask your service centre to check your radiator for any apparent leaks and proper coolant or antifreeze levels to protect you from spending time and money down the road. Along with checking the radiator, your technician can inspect the electrical system and other fluid levels to have everything in working order before temperatures drop, since these components are more difficult to work on in chilly temperatures.
With colder weather around the corner, it’s important to make sure your battery is working at optimal performance. Extreme cold or heat can decrease the battery’s ability to provide sufficient power to run your vehicle. Signs of a weak battery include slower start-ups than normal, dimming headlights as you start your car, lights on your dashboard illuminated, or even a rotten egg smell coming from the battery location.